Wednesday, April 14, 2010


I need to RESTORE order back into this house. What a mess it has been. ORDER is long over-due...especially the basement. I need to be willing to just get rid of stuff. Brian would love to check it off the "TO DO" list. I have moved the BASEMENT to the top of my "TO DO" list.... as of RIGHT NOW it is my priority...
I still feel as though I can't fall back into the rhythm of our regular routine.
Like our vacation was just a dream...
Probably because it was spontanious -- no plans -- just hoppin' in the car
it just doesn't seem like it was "for real"

Saturday, April 3, 2010

What a beautiful, peaceful, relaxing trip. This was taken on the evening we arrived. The sky was awesome!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Florida Trip

Brian and I went out to a later lunch on Saturday, March 20th. As we were sitting there talking about Sara and all of the fun she was going to have going to FL with Gramma, Pop, Nicole, Canden and Indigo, we felt bad that Blake wasn't going. Blake had announced at our fire-pit talk that all of his friends were going somewhere and was wondering if we could just go to Door County and Buff. Wild Wings. Well, Brian and I got all excited talking about, maybe, taking a little road trip to TN with Blake...then said...HECK...Lets just go all the way to FL. Sooooo....
We decided Saturday (and kept it a secret from Blake and Sara) quickly went home and washed the car all up --- inside and out--- Sunday I had lots to do. Brian had to work so got tires put on the car, dropped Sara off by Suzie, got Blake motivated to finish up doing his Science Fair Project and I finished up homework. When Brian got home...we told Blake to hurry and get his project done (I had his bags packed earlier in the morning and already put into the car)...that we were going to take him to Buffalo Wild Wings for dinner. He totally believed it. On our way we stopped at Mrs. K's house and dropped off the Science Fair Board (Blake was too busy listening to his ipod to notice)....and we were on our way. When we didn't stop he was questioning it....Brian told him to look at the GPS -- which said, "Grandpas and Grandmas in FL."
Blake just kept repeating, "you guys are guys are way." He finally realized that we weren't kidding the longer we kept driving.
We were planning on stopping 1/2 way but I wasn't tired at all so I kept on driving and by morning we made it to the Smokey was so pretty, the sky was stormy looking and just looked so awesome. We drove and drove and drove....and ended up in Anna Maria Island at about 6pm by Grandma and Grandpa. They welcomed us with open arms and were happy to see us. We all jumped into the car and went to the beach to see the sun setting...with the stormy looking sky in FL too....just breathtaking. I forgot how much I love the sound of the ocean and the cool waves and stuff. It was so relaxing sounding and peaceful....I am so glad we decided to go "spur of the moment" because it was just what we needed. Even though I didn't really want another FL vacation....wanted to go somewhere different...I couldn't have asked for a more relaxing vacation (maybe because we just had Blake with no fights to break up between him and Sara?) LOL
I'll write more about the trip tomorrow...